Do-It-Yourself Troubleshooting, or Where to Find Help Online

Start Here

Apple Support

Very good help in general, and videos for getting started with a new device or application.

Ask Questions

Apple Forums (Communities)

This is a free-for-all in which users help other users. You will rarely find official Apple support people posting here, and if you have a complaint or a problem you’d like to report to Apple, this is not the place to do it. But there is a lot of good information shared freely here, and you can post your own questions. Be sure to include the specific model and version of the operating system on the devices you’re having trouble with. To ask a question, login with your AppleID.

Search for Answers

Apple Knowledgebase***

These are support articles from Apple. Find them via Google search; Apple’s search engine is not as good. But if you do use Apple’s search, click on the “Filter” button near the top of the results to restrict your findings to “Support Articles”. This will filter out the noise from the discussions (called “Communities).

You’ll know you’ve found an official knowledgebase article when you see followed by two letters and a string of numbers. For example, Mac support articles often start with HT and iOS pages usually start with TS.


In-depth how-to articles for Apple hardware, apps and services. Lots of ads.


Comprehensive, reliable reviews of hardware and software, especially new operating systems. How-to articles. Lots of ads

The Mac Observer

See “Tips” for short articles about solving problems or learning new tricks. See “Cool Stuff Found” for new gadgets, Mac applications, and iOS apps.